The Story of Peachy Paws



Who We Are: The Purpose Behind Peachy Paws

An Unexpected Beginning

Sometimes, a great idea is carefully planned for years before it becomes a reality, and sometimes an idea is spontaneous—even crazy. The dream for Peachy Paws was born in a matter of minutes. Jessica and her husband, Matt, were discussing the need in their community for an affordable pet care service. They talked about how great it would be if there was somewhere that offered several types of services—things like, grooming, boarding, daycare, training, and pet supplies all in one place.

They thought, That’d be really nice. Really wish someone would come up with that around here.

            The two looked at each other and said, “Hey, we could do that.”

            So, here we go, friends. Peachy Paws was born.

Jessica had just graduated from college, but she wasn’t sure what she had wanted to do. So, when the idea for Peachy Paws came to her and Matt, she decided that it was the perfect way to serve and support her community.

From Tiny House to Downtown  

Matt and Jessica began their business by renovating a tiny house on their property and converting it into a store. Over the past year, this tiny store has been a heartwarming piece of the community, but Peachy Paws quickly outgrew this little space and is now in need of a larger facility.

After months of searching and dreaming about a new space for their business, Matt and Jessica happened upon a historic building for sale right in downtown Lavonia. Overjoyed by the possibility of being in the center of their community, Jessica jumped at the opportunity and she and Matt purchased the building that was formerly Ola’s Quilt Shop, a beloved historical business of Lavonia.

The building is currently in the renovation process, and Jessica, Matt, the Peachy Paws team, and its customers are waiting in anticipation for the opening of the new store which is scheduled to open the beginning of June.

Big Dreams, Small Town

Our new Peachy Paws store will continue offering grooming, boarding, and pet supplies, along with the newer amenities such as daycare and training now that there’s adequate space.

There will also be new friendly faces to welcome our customers, and our team couldn’t be more excited to be serving our community.

It’s a privilege and a pleasure to have the support and encouragement from our friends and neighbors. We are truly grateful for everyone who as joined us on this journey so far, and we are looking forward to making new friends and meeting new customers as we make this transition.

We are thankful to each and every one of you—it’s a joy to serve you all.




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  • Kirsten Starling